IOT Based Auto Power Supply Control from Four Different Sources to Ensure No Power Break

Auto supply switching is basically selection of supply from multiple available power sources automatically by using microcontroller concept that is to check the availability of the source and switching to that available source to ensure uninterrupted power supply to load. In case of the electrical appliance control using automation causes more safety.
Auto supply switching is a prototype for the same which is auto change to other source when main supply fails without human interaction in this system we are designing an embedded circuit to control and ensure auto supply switching. In case all 4 phases are available, then the switching will be in the default phase. Four relays are there to control the switching. As it is not feasible to provide all 4 different sources of supply, one source with alternate switches are provided to get the same function.
In this project 4 switches acts as 4 different source of supply. When any switch is pressed it shows the absence of that particular source which is connected to microcontroller as input signals. Here we are using ATmega328P microcontroller.
The output of ATmega328P Microcontroller is given to the 4 relays JQC3FC, which switches appropriate relay to maintain an uninterrupted supply to the load. The output can be observed by Bulb/Lamp. The switches can be switch ON and OFF by Wi Fi controller ESP8266. Due to this load can be operated at remote location through internet. On failure of the supply from first switch the load gets supply from the next available switch. If the supply from second switch also fails it switches over to the next available source and so on.

Keywords: - Atmel AVR family, auto switching, Wi Fi module

Block Diagram

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Price of Project = Rs. 16000/-

Price with Documentation = Rs. 19000/-


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