DC Motor Speed and Direction Control Using Internet of Things


The  IoT  allows  objects  to  be  sensed  or  controlled  remotely  across existing  network  infrastructure,  creating  opportunities  for  more  direct  integration  of  the  physical  world  into  computer based systems and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit in addition to reduced human intervention. This project controls the DC motor speed and direction using internet of things. Internet is the most widely used high speed andeasily accessible communication medium in the modern day world. The proposed system is simple and highly effective in terms of cost and efficiency. In this system, the direction and the speed of the DC motor can be controlled by internet over a remote location. It uses Wi Fi controller ESP 8266 to connect the project with internet. At the same time speed of D.C. motor is measured by infrared sensors placed near shaft of motor. The speed measured by infrared sensor and PIC microcontroller will be displayed on LCD display. The PROTEUS simulation confirmed the theoretical estimates of the performance of the proposed system.

Keywords- IOT, Internet, DC motor, Wi Fi module

Block Diagram

Top View

Price of Project = Rs 14000/-

Price with Documentation = Rs. 17000/-


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