Detecting power grid synchronization failure on sensing out of range frequency or voltage

As the power grid failure problems continue to persist in the country, need arises to make it more efficient and effective. This is a demonstration devised to provide such kind of a system that could detect the failure in the synchronous working of the power grid in case any external supply source that is supplying to the grid is encountering any kind of abnormalities may be in current levels, voltage levels, temperature, and oil level. There are various generation units that usually supply power to the grids such as thermal plants, solar plants, hydro-electric plants etc. All the generation units that connect to the grid have to obey the rules or standards laid down for the operation of a grid.Automation in monitoring is very important part in industrial plants. This system can used to automate the electrical system where system is sensitive to voltage and change in frequency. It also serves for the safety in heavy industrial duty. Automation of cut off increases the reliability of the system.This project presents the development of a microcontroller based islanding detection for grid with over voltage and over frequency islanding detection algorithms. The system is based on a microcontroller from Atmel AVR family.
The microcontroller monitors the over voltage derived from a set of resistors and controller inbuilt ADC and over frequency from supply by the interrupt program using LCD for the utility grid and the processed value of voltage and frequency for turning ON/OFF the relay between a grid connected inverter and the utility grid. The microcontroller used in the project is of AVR family which is of 8 bit

Keywords: - Atmel AVR family, islanding, over frequency, over voltage 

Block Diagram

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Price of Project:  - Rs. 14000/-

Price with Documentation: - Rs. 17000/-


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