    Now a day’s two wheeler security improvement is essential due to increased number of two wheeler theft cases. Generally used key locks available in the bikes are well known to the thieves and thus it can be easily unlocked by the professional thieves. By using master key it becomes very easy to unlock the lock of the bikes by the thieves. This creates new demands and provides an additional security level. The different and modern lock must be unique in itself i.e. it must be only unlocked by specific way. Increasing demands on performance, security, quality and cost are the main challenges for today's automotive industry. Coming to the security aspect, let us throw some light upon the statistics of automotive theft.
    In this project used input side two main input fingerprint and RFID module. This fingerprint and RFID module  output signals are gives to Atmega16 microcontroller.Atmega16 microcontroller are both input module signal can be check in a database of the microcontroller and if the input data is a incorrect than Atmega16 output gives to relay then relay become OFF. Otherwise data is a correct than Atmega16 output gives to relay then relay become ON then output are given to engine control unit (ECU) becomes vehicle ignition start.
    Fingerprint Sensor module is four pin electronic devices, which are used to apprehend a digitalized image of the fingerprint pattern. The apprehend image is called as a live scan Fingerprint Sensor Module has two sub modules: fingerprint Enrolment/Addition and Fingerprint Recognition. Fingerprint enrolment/addition module adds and stores the fingerprints of all the users who are authorized to drive the vehicle. This sub-module enables fingerprint of valid user to be enrolled in the database. Fingerprint sensor Module R303A sends the signals to the microcontroller board.
    Generally RFID is automatic identification technology which is use radio frequency electromagnetic fields to identify objects carrying tags when they are come close to a reader. RFID tags generally feature an electronic chip with an antenna in order to pass information onto reader. The assembly is called an inlay and is then packaged in different forms to be able to withstand the conditions in which it will operate. This product is known as a tag, label. RFID tag information is a unique identifier, once this identifier has been written.
    Atmega16 microcontroller handles user authentication. Once the scanned fingerprint matched with the one stored in the database, the microcontroller sends the desired signal to put the vehicle in motion. This is accomplished by turning on and open the valve attached to the fuel tank. Whenever an unauthorized user tries to run the vehicle, his/her fingerprint and RFID reader data mismatches the valve attached to the fuel tank shuts down or closes thus disallowing him/her access.

Block Diagram

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Price of Project = Rs. 15000/-

Price with Documentation = Rs. 18000/-


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