Internet of Things Based Fire Detection Robot

In order to improving quality and production efficiency, reduce labor intensity, it  is  necessary  to  research  nondestructive  automatic  detection  technology.  A  robot  is  an automatically  guided  machine,  able  to  do  tasks  on  its  own.  This  project,  which  is  our endeavor to design a Fire Fighting Robot, comprises of a machine which not only has the basic features of a robot, but also has the ability to detect fire and extinguish it. This robot processes  information  from  its  various  sensors  and  key hardware  elements  through micro controller.                
 Once the flame is detected, the robot sounds the alarm with the help of buzzer provided to  it,  the  robot  actuates  an  electronic  valve  releasing  sprinkles  of  water  on  the  flame Software  development is  highly  important  in  this  project  classification  system  and  for finding fire detection . It mainly contains four parts: the system overview, fire detecting and grading, experiments and results, conclusion.

Block Diagram

Price of Project - Rs. 16000/-
Price with documentation - Rs. 19000/-


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