The underground cable system is a common practice followed in many urban areas. While a fault occurs for some reason, at that time the repairing process related to that particular cable is difficult due to not knowing the exact location of the cable fault.
The objective of this project is to determine the distance of underground cable fault from base station in kilometers. When a low DC voltage is applied at the feeder end through a series resistor (Cable lines), then current would vary depending upon the location of fault in the cable. In case there is a short circuit (Line to Ground), the voltage across series resistors changes accordingly, which is then fed to an ADC to develop precise digital data which the programmed micro controller of AVR family would display in kilometers.
The project is assembled with a set of resistors representing cable length in KM’s and fault creation is made by a set of switches at every known KM to cross check the accuracy of the same. The fault occurring at a particular distance and the respective phase is displayed on a LCD interfaced to the micro controller.
Keywords: - AVR controller, fault detection, fault location, underground cable

Block Diagram

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Price of Project = Rs. 7000/-

Price with complete documentation = Rs. 10000/-


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