Arduino Based Attendance System Using RFID Tag

The main objective of this project is to record the attendance of students using RFID tags. Each student is provided with his/her authorized tag to swipe over the reader to record their attendance. In classrooms, time is wasted in roll calls as it is done manually. In this proposed system, authorized student is given an RFID tag. This tag contains an integrated in built circuit that is used for storing, processing information through modulating and demodulating of the radio frequency signal that is being transmitted. Thus, the data stored in this card is referred as the identification/attendance of the person. Once the student places the card in front of the RFID card reader, it reads the data and verifies it with the data stored in the microcontroller from AVR family. If the data matches, then it displays a message on the LCD confirming the entry of that student else displays a message denying the attendance. The status of a student’s attendance can be retrieved from this...